MONSU Account

Every club affiliated with MONSU Peninsula is required to operate a bank account through the MONSU financial system. Clubs are NOT allowed to operate their own bank accounts and should avoid purchasing goods with cash.

Depositing Funds

All income received by the club should be deposited at the MONSU Service Desk, using the deposit slip. Please deposit any money as soon as possible for security reasons. When depositing funds tell the Service Desk Staff which club the money is for and the type of income i.e. membership fees, function income, trip income, sponsorship etc.

NOTE: All cheques received by your club (for example, sponsorship income); need to be written to “MONSU Peninsula” – not to your club’s name. The money will be credited to your club’s account.

Finance Form

Club Payment Form: Used to pay supplier invoices or reimburse club members via EFT

Existing Clubs

Every finance form you fill in requires an account code. The format for entering the account code on MONSU Peninsula forms will follow this format:

Income (or) Expense Code – Club Code

For example, if the Mad Students Society wanted to purchase catering, you would fill in a Club Payment Form with the code:

6-2020 (expense code for catering) – C9375 (Club Code)

Please refer to the MONSU Peninsula Club Finance Codes List for the relevant information.

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