Please note, this only applies to units started before 22 July 2024.
You may be eligible to convert your fail grade so it doesn’t affect your WAM.
If you did not attend, attempt or submit your final assessment for a unit, (an exemption under exceptional circumstances may be considered) you may be eligible to apply for your failed grade to be converted to a Withdrawn Incomplete (WI) grade.
Applications must be lodged no later than 10 university working days from the release of the relevant result. Students who are unable to complete a supplementary assessment can apply for a WI grade within 10 working days of the assessment date.
Acceptable reasons for a WI include:
· a serious and debilitating medical condition
· severe mental health condition
· death of a person with whom you had a significant relationship
· obligations to emergency or military service or civic obligations
· other extreme circumstances beyond your control, including a natural disaster or serious accident
Applications must provide evidence that the circumstances resulting in the failure to complete the unit assessment were beyond your control and either:
· occurred after the start of the withdrawn fail period of the relevant teaching period, or
· didn’t have full impact until after the start of the withdrawn fail period of the relevant teaching period, and the impact could not be predicted, or
· prevented you from withdrawing from the unit before the withdrawn fail period
Acceptable forms of evidence include a death notice, records of hospital admission, police reports, notifications of obligations to emergency or military services or civic obligations, and an impact statement from a health professional as appropriate.
If you believe you may be eligible for a WI Grade contact Student Rights + Support to discuss your circumstances. A WI grade is not included in Unsatisfactory Progress or unit pass rate calculations and it does not affect your WAM or GPA.
For further questions and advice:
MONSU Student Rights + Support E: P: +61 3 9903 2596
MONSU Peninsula is your undergraduate student association focusing on providing the best student engagement, student advocacy, student welfare and student voice at Peninsula.