Events are an integral part of all MONSU Peninsula clubs and societies. Please read the information below to ensure that you provide your members with memorable and successful events.
Clubs Event Form All on campus and off campus events need to be reviewed by MONSU Peninsula before being advertised to club members. Please fill out the Clubs Event Form via the MONSU Website. There may be requirements or regulations that need to be addressed by MONSU Peninsula before your event can proceed.
Off Campus Events
Team MONASH, as a directorate within the Campus Community Division, has the University’s organisational oversight of ensuring that all approved off campus non-academic representative activities undertaken by the University student community adhere to the applicable university policies, procedures and practices governing such activities, and maintain the standards of behaviour, conduct and performance expected of the participants by the University. This includes but is not limited to sports teams, student clubs and societies events, and faculty camps. Off Campus Guidelines
Promoting your Events The key to holding a successful club function, trip or activity is PROMOTION. The club committee needs to identify an effective means of communication with club members and the greater university population.
Posters Posters can be placed on noticeboards (indoor and outdoor) around Building U and up in the MONSU Peninsula Student Lounge to help promote upcoming activities. Posters need to include the following information:
Please remember posters must be authorised at the MONSU Service Desk and must include acknowledgment of MONSU Peninsula’s support i.e. include the MONSU Peninsula Logo.
Please refer to the MONSU Peninsula Poster Policy for further information.
Word of Mouth Word of mouth is the most effective form of communication on campus. The idea is to have as many people as possible spreading the word about upcoming events by telling their friends and classmates about it. To facilitate word of mouth communication, the committee should make an effort to know as many club members as possible, and have committee members from all year levels and various faculties.
Email & Direct Mail Outs Email and direct mail outs to members of newsletters, flyers etc. is an effective means of communicating what club events are coming up. It is important that the committee maintain a membership database that is up to date, including new members.
Bulk Emailing Guide
Visible activities on campus Visible activities on campus attract attention and provide an opportunity to pass information onto members and others about upcoming events. Activities can range from setting up an information table or organising a BBQ.
Lecture Bashing No, this is not as violent as it sounds! Lecture bashing involves someone getting up at the beginning or end of a lecture and telling everyone in the lecture about an upcoming event. This works quite well, if nothing else it gets people talking, which is what you want. It is a good idea to contact the lecturer for permission beforehand!!
MONSU Peninsula is your undergraduate student association focusing on providing the best student engagement, student advocacy, student welfare and student voice at Peninsula.