Unit results for Semester 2 are released on Monday 2 December from midday Australian time. Find out how you can access your results here.
It’s natural to feel anxious on results day, but we’re hoping for great results for you! If the results aren’t what you were hoping for, don’t stop here — keep reading 👀👀
If you receive a fail grade, keep scrolling to find out the options available.
Do you want to discuss your options?
MONSU Student Rights + Support can provide confidential and independent advice to students. They can discuss any supporting document you may need, provide feedback on applications/responses and explain University processes.
Contact MONSU Student Rights + Support
MONSU Student Rights + Support only services Caulfield and Peninsula undergraduate students. Email them at studentrights@monsu.org.
Other Monash students can access advocacy support services here.
Potential Options for Fail Grades
Withdrawn Grade
You may be eligible to have your fail grade converted to a Withdrawn (WDN) grade. A WDN does not count towards your GPA or WAM. It is also not included in the calculations to trigger unsatisfactory academic progress.
You have 10 university working days from the release of results to submit your application. There are strict eligibility criteria such as:
Your special circumstances occurred or became worse after 31 August
You have a supporting letter from a professional regarding your special circumstances
You have no findings of academic misconduct for the unit
Find out more about Withdrawn Grade
Fee Refunds or HECS Adjustment
If you are eligible to apply for WDN then you can also apply for a fee refund or a HECS adjustment. (Note, for a fee refund or HECS adjustment you are still eligible if you have a finding of misconduct for the unit) You can apply at the same time using the same supporting documents as WDN.
More information about fee refunds
Correction of Marks
You can request a grade change only if you identify an error (such as an incorrect late penalty). Please note a student cannot request a correction on the basis that they do not agree. For correction of marks, please contact your Chief Examiner within 10 days of the release of results.
Supplementary Assessment
For any eligible units, students will automatically be offered a supplementary assessment — no need to opt in. If you would like to opt out, we recommend that you opt-out within 5 working days of receiving your results.
Find out more about Supplementry Assessments
What Else Do You Need To Know?
Notice of Unsatisfactory Progress
It’s important to check your emails on Tuesday 10th December to see if your fail grade has triggered unsatisfactory academic progress. If you receive a Notice of Unsatisfactory Progress (NoUP) from the university, you will be allocated an academic progress level from 1-3. You will also be asked to fill in a response form.
If you’re allocated level 3, please contact MONSU Student Rights + Support for confidential and independent advice. We can provide feedback on your draft response before you submit it.
Hints + Tips to Complete Response Form
Level 3 students who don’t submit their response form by the due date, can be excluded at an Academic Progress Committee (APC) hearing without the right of appeal. Make sure to check the due date and make sure you submit your response on time.
If you’re called to an APC hearing, MONSU Student Rights + Support can attend the hearing with you as your support person. For confidential and independent support at your hearing, tick the box on the form saying ‘permission to release details to my student support team’.
More information about unsatisfactory progress
Contact MONSU Student Rights + Support
To discuss your options, and receive confidential + independent advice, please contact MONSU Student Rights + Support. They can discuss any supporting document requirements, give feedback on draft applications, and assist with processes for any of the above options.
Contact Here ✉️