Ellen Malmo

Vice President


Studying: Bachelor of Nursing and Midwifery

Hi there!

My name is Ellen (she/her) and I am very excited to be your Vice President for 2023!

I grew up on a farm in NSW and absolutely loved small town life. I love being outdoors with my family, friends and pets being active and adventuring.

After moving to Melbourne, I missed the warm community connections that I grew up with, so this is why I am looking forward to being a part of not only the MONSU team but the more connected culture and community like setting of Monash Peninsula.

This year as your Vice President I look forward to uniting and supporting our student council to ensure they can best advocate and unite our Peninsula community while also working behind the scenes to advocate for students when they face inequities or struggles while at uni.  

Please do not hesitate to reach out to me via email with any questions or requests!

Ellen Malmo

MONSU Peninsula Vice President 2023

E: vice.president@monsupeninsula.org.au


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